The Twelfth Night Show


Created and Written by Megumi Nakamura and Jacob Brandt

Directed by Megumi Nakamura


“The writing and directing are so tight that the rapid-fire humor will have you crying with laughter, the music will have you tapping your toes…

-The Vermont Standard

About the show.

Four of New York City's finest underemployed actors/self-proclaimed Shakespeare experts attempt to put on a one-of-a-kind production of the bard's beloved mistaken identity, romantic comedy, Twelfth Night - but doing Shakespeare's a lot harder than everyone says it is.

Whether you've seen every Shakespeare play or none at all, this unfamiliar take on a familiar classic will have you laughing, clapping, and asking the question, "What is Shakespeare, anyway?"


2023 - Production at Artistree Music Theatre Festival. Directed by Megumi Nakamura; Music Direction by Jacob Brandt; Production Stage Manager - Danielle Zandri; Scenic Design - Matthew Robert; Costume and Prop Coordination - Jade Evangelista; Lighting Design - Lee Anne Meeks; Sound Design - Forrest Hoffman; Puppetry Design - Jacob Brandt; Assistant Stage Manager - Kyle Goold.

Featuring Jacob Brandt, Seth Eliser, Megumi Nakamura, and Allie Seibold.

2022 - Development Retreat at Weston Theatre Company.

Photos by Austin Pogrob